Dr. Goodman's Blog

Low Carb + High Fat = Healthier You? Yes, According to These Authors

To my patients and readers of this blog, it comes as no surprise that I endorse a nutrient-dense, low carb, high(er) fat diet. The ratios work out to 50-60% fat, 25-30% protein, and 15-25% carbohydrates. My patients are eating healthy, (mostly) whole foods, doing a lot more of their own cooking, and reversing serious conditions … Read more Low Carb + High Fat = Healthier You? Yes, According to These Authors

A Review of “The Big Fat Surprise” by Nina Teicholz

In her informative, extremely readable and often exasperating history of how saturated fat came to be demonized and shunted aside in favor of less healthy food choices, Nina Teicholz shows us how dietary orthodoxies are established and research is directed and interpreted to support the status quo, no matter how misguided and inaccurate. Teicholz also … Read more A Review of “The Big Fat Surprise” by Nina Teicholz

I Did the Whole 30 (Or Maybe the Whole 27..): An Assessment

I eat a healthy, whole food diet which consists mostly of nuts, fruits, veggies, cheese, yogurt and meat/chicken/fish. I don’t eat a lot of grains. So why would I further limit my choices and take on the Whole 30? Clearly a masochistic streak, a desire to see how much healthier I can be, and a team … Read more I Did the Whole 30 (Or Maybe the Whole 27..): An Assessment


KETOSIS VS. KETOACIDOSIS: THEY’RE NOT AT ALL THE SAME: Why a new class of diabetes drug got an FDA warning The FDA recently issued a warning of a risk of ketoacidosis from a new class of type 2 diabetes drugs. The drugs, called Farxiga, Invokana, and Jardiance are SGLT2 inhibitors. They make it easier … Read more KETOSIS, KETOACIDOSIS AND THE FDA’S WARNING ON A CLASS OF DIABETES DRUGS

Orange Nose Day 2014

Orange Nose Day is an annual event dedicated to promoting health in the towns and cities observing it. Kids wear something orange or paint their noses orange. Events in schools and libraries are held to promote healthy lifestyle, including diet, exercise and disease prevention. I was asked to participate by speaking separately to kids and … Read more Orange Nose Day 2014

Guest Blogger: Georgianna Sloate, MS, LMFT, on Managing Eating Disorders

Please welcome Georgianna Sloate, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist as a guest blogger. I have known Georgianna for many years and her compassion, insight and genuine concern inspire me and her clients. She can be contacted at 860-205-3672.   Have you tried every diet in the book? Do you eat when you’re not hungry? Are … Read more Guest Blogger: Georgianna Sloate, MS, LMFT, on Managing Eating Disorders

Are You Ready to Live a Longer and Healthier Life? A Call to Action

“Someday is not a day of the week.” ~Unknown As many of you have noticed in the news, the old, commonly accepted “wisdom” that low fat diets are healthy and that grains and starches are essential is taking a long overdue hit. The reality that we have been told the wrong way to eat is … Read more Are You Ready to Live a Longer and Healthier Life? A Call to Action