Living Well: Holiday Edition

Living Well with Dr. Goodman
for December 18, 2015
News You Can Use to:
Lose Weight, Feel Better and Stay Healthy
In this Issue:
  • Holiday Hours
  • Food Collection for Bristol Pantry
  • Guilt-Free Chocolate/Coconut/Almond Bars!
  • Thank you
Holiday Hours

The office is open until noon Christmas Eve day.  We will reopen on January 4th.  We are still booking appointments for the 21st-23rd.  Please pick up or order any supplements you need by next Tuesday.  You may order by calling 860-584-5746 and pressing option 3 or via email.  Drop-ship orders must be prepaid with credit card.

Boston Heart Cut-off Dates

December 23rd and December 31st  are the last weekdays to have your specimen drawn.

Last-Minute Gift Ideas?

Cocommune Bars make healthy and delicious stocking stuffers.  Share with family and friends.  $2.95 per bar or $47.79 for a case of 18.  Safe for diabetics, high in fiber, sweet tasting due to sugar alcohols and stevia. Order here

Food Collection    

As you walk into the hall outside the office, you will see a basket with food.  Please deposit whatever nonperishables you can.  I will bring the collection to Zion Lutheran Church on the 23rd.  Thank you!

Here is some background on the Church’s history with distributing food to the those in need (Bristol Obsever,  11/26/15):

” The Zion Lutheran Food Pantry is the oldest and one of the largest programs of its kind in the area serving 1,200-1,400 meals a week and providing nearly 6,000 bags of groceries to 1,500 families, year round. The Pantry also works with hundreds of volunteers as well as dozens of Bristol businesses, government agencies and non-profit charities such as Best Cleaners, WalMart, Harvest Bakery, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church and the Bristol court system to provide clothing to the needy, backpacks with school supplies to children, and serves as a restitution site for juveniles performing community service hours.”

Guilt-Free Bars      

If you like coconut, try these out.  They’re gluten-free, low-carb, super healthy fat, and high in protein.  They take about an hour to make, but most of that is freezer time.  Prep is super easy.

Thanks to Shana Griffin, RD from Shop Rite for sharing the recipe.  The original is here.  Add toppings for more flavor.  I did pistachios.  Pomegranate seeds or other chopped nuts sounds good, too.  Enjoy and share!

Supplement Spotlight: Optibiotic


Are You Having Trouble Kicking a Cold?

Optibiotic is a combination of myrrh, andrographis, garlic, D, A and Zinc to give your immune system the boost it needs. Contact the office for more info.

Thank you

Most importantly, thanks to all of you for allowing me to help you reach your goals.  Keep trying and don’t give up!   I look forward to working with everyone in 2016.  Exciting changes are coming, including an incentive program, coaching opportunities and more.

Please keep telling friends and family about the office — referrals are the lifeblood of any successful practice.  Click below to “Like” my FB page.


Until next time, be well.


Lose Weight, Feel Better, Stay Healthy