Dr. Goodman's Blog

New Services Offered: Home Sleep Testing, Indirect Calorimetry/Basal Metabolic Rate Testing, and Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Testing

As a naturopathic physician, I practice much as a primary care doc would, doing physicals, ordering screening bloodwork and other tests, and generally practicing preventive medicine. My treatments may be different, but my diagnostic approach is fairly conventional, if more exhaustive! As part of this role, and to make my office more comprehensive in its … Read more New Services Offered: Home Sleep Testing, Indirect Calorimetry/Basal Metabolic Rate Testing, and Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Testing

Exercise programs: what do they accomplish? Are they right for you? How much to do? How often?

To start, here are some specific recommendations from a fitness expert (thank you April)! Many people feel crunched for time, but there is a way to fit effective exercise into your life. Here are 2 tips to fit exercise into a busy schedule, but also get an extremely effective workout: Circuit Train: Circuit training can help … Read more Exercise programs: what do they accomplish? Are they right for you? How much to do? How often?

Understanding your cholesterol numbers and having your cholesterol tested better!

We have all bought into the idea that we need to lower our cholesterol to stay healthy and prevent heart disease. But is it that simple? What is cholesterol and is current testing telling us enough about our heart health? Do the math: Cholesterol, or total cholesterol, is calculated based on its components, HDL, LDL … Read more Understanding your cholesterol numbers and having your cholesterol tested better!