I am very pleased to announce that I will begin seeing patients at an additional location: West Hartford Acupuncture on 173 Oakwood Avenue in West Hartford. My hours to begin will be Mondays from 9-2, and I expect to expand those in the near future. The practice is in a three story house and feels very warm and intimate. Those of you who are clients of WHA know this well. The Owners, Matt and Jill, are professional and welcoming. Kate is the Practice Manager and will make you feel comfortable while waiting for your appointment.
I look forward to seeing existing and new patients for whom the location and time is more convenient. Services at this location will include metabolic testing, craniosacral therapy, spinal manipulation and general naturopathic care with the same lab testing I offer in Bristol. To make an appointment call 860-584-5746 or email me. I will continue seeing patients in Bristol Tuesday through Friday.