Dr. Goodman’s Program for Living Well

How can I help you lose weight, feel better, and stay healthy?

I am uniquely able to guide you one-on-one through the process. First, I am a doctor. Not just any doctor, but a naturopathic physician, trained to treat body, mind and spirit. Most doctors will spend about 5 minutes with their patients, if that. I will sit with you for about an hour at the first visit, getting to know who you are, where you want to get to, what fears and habits you have that can undermine you, what character traits you have that will help you succeed in your mission. I will stay with you through this process, which is not easy but is a lot easier with a devoted guide.

Background and Training

My background and training is extensive in nutrition, thorough laboratory testing to help remove obstacles to and accelerate your weight loss, and motivational tools to help you to stay engaged in the program from start to finish. By meeting regularly, we will develop an approach that works. The plan is to meet at least once a month or more. The new health insurance law reimburses doctors for more frequent visits to support weight loss. The idea behind this is that by seeing your doctor regularly, you have more support for behavior change. I also strongly encourage developing a support team to help you change your habits. This includes your family, therapists, health coaches, fitness instructors, ministers/priests/rabbis – we all need help to change.

Why Does the Program Work?

The program works because what you will be eating every day works with your body’s natural fat burning engine to make the pounds and inches literally melt off. This is true whether you follow the guidelines 100% or slip up once in a while, All you have to do is eat healthy, real food, mostly protein and fat, lots of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and little or no grains, sugars and starches. Some of you will have to go easy on the sweeter fruits in the beginning. Most of you are familiar with the Paleo Diet or The Primal Blueprint. These two programs emphasize healthy, real food. My program incorporates many of the principles of these two approaches, with the added benefit of an individualized plan tailored to you.

What’s the First Step?

The first step is to get tested. Blood tests will establish a baseline for you as you begin the program. We will test your resting metabolic rate and body fat percentage. These will be retested as you go through the program.

Using your resting metabolic rate, I will determine how many total calories a day you are burning based on your average exercise level. This will give you a calorie goal. I will tell you how much protein, fat and carbs you should eat based on your other results.

Next Steps

Once you start eating this way, you will see quick results, sometimes as many as five to six pounds in the first week. Some of this can be water weight, as cutting carbs lowers glycogen, a way sugar is stored, leading to a release in fluids. But you will consistently, steadily lose weight as you maintain this diet. Staying with the diet, perhaps adjusting your ratios or calorie numbers will lead to lasting, lifelong weight control and good health. You will look better, stay younger, and feel in control of your weight and your health.

This solution offers you the easy way out. All you have to do is follow the rules, allowing yourself plenty of delicious, satisfying food and sane levels of exercise.

It Really Works

Testimonials from Dr. Goodman’s Patients

In three months working with Dr. Goodman, I have lost 32 lbs. As a result of this, I can get off the Metformin medication I have been taking for diabetes. I have dropped 2 dress sizes and have never felt better.

Dr Goodman has been incredibly supportive on this entire journey. I could not have done this without him.
~ Sandy


Since seeing Dr. Goodman, I have not only lost 36 lbs. but have lowered my sugar number by half, was on blood pressure medication, and without the medication my last reading was 105/75. No signs of sleep apnea (no snoring and off the cpap machine), more energy and less joint pain! His plan really works!

~ Dean K.


How Do I Make An Appointment?

Dr. Goodman is accepting new patients. You can email [email protected] or call 860-584-5746 to reach the office. Please leave three convenient times for you. Our office hours are Monday-Friday 9-5 with earlier and later times by appointment. We try to accommodate people’s busy schedules! We will get back to you quickly to confirm if you don’t get through by phone. First visits are typically an hour long. Metabolic testing is a four hour fast, so keep that in mind when choosing your appointment time. New patients can typically be seen within the week.

Click Here to Fill Out Form

The office is small and intimate. You are typically seen on time, by the Dr.

Directions to the office at 5 Maple St, Bristol CT.


Does Dr. Goodman Accept Insurance?

We accept Aetna, Anthem BCBS, Connecticare, Cigna and Oxford Insurances. Call 860-584-5746 to confirm coverage. Medicare, Husky and United Healthcare do not cover our services. For those whose insurance does not cover visits, the cost is typically $180 for the first visit and $45-90 thereafter depending on time. We accept all major credit cards including American Express and Discover. A bill will be generated which can be submitted for reimbursement out of network. A sliding scale policy exists for those on fixed incomes and needing assistance. Remember, the goal is to get well!


What Can I Do Now to Start Losing Weight? Here are Three Simple Suggestions–

  1. Build muscle: do push-ups. Leaning against wall, on your knees, military style are all acceptable. Do at least 5 and try three sets. Repeat daily.
  2. If you watch TV at night and find yourself snacking, try doing tasks while watching. Knitting, exercise, anything but sitting still.
  3. Click HERE to sign up for Dr. G’s Daily Food for the Spirit, inspirational quotes and affirmations to support your healthier lifestyle:


Call or Email Dr. Goodman now to make an appointment:

860-584-5746 or [email protected]