Is Floating For You? My Experience of an Hour in a Floatation Tank

Have You Floated?

I had heard about the benefits of sensory deprivation and zero gravity environments. I have experienced floating in the Dead Sea, and loved it. I am a huge fan of the healing power of epsom salts, 1000 pounds of which are in each floatation tank.

I had yet to try one of the local businesses offering floating experiences. I met Lynne Tapper, co-owner of Imagine Float in Avon, at a local chamber of commerce gathering.

Lynne invited me to try floating and I had my first experience this morning. The process involves filling out an online consent form, making sure you have no health conditions which could prevent you from doing the treatment. Floating is safe in almost all cases; the only major contraindications are severe seizure disorder, open wounds and/or recent tattoos, women during their period, and severe hypotension (low blood pressure).
I arrived at Imagine Float this morning, a bit sore and with a mild tension headache. I met Michele Beaule, the other co-owner, who was friendly, enthusiastic and thorough as she walked me through the process. I felt safe and prepared as I showered, put my earplugs in, applied vaseline to a mild cut on my foot (this keeps the epsom salt from stinging), and stepped in. I felt a little bit chilly at first, but soon got used to the 94 degree water and began to float. For most of the hour session, I was deeply relaxed, though my mind did kick in at various times, reminding me what else I needed to do today.
A friendly voice came on at the end of my session and reminded me to leave the tank so it could be cleaned for the next person. I showered, got dressed and sat down for a bit with some filtered water. I felt relaxed, reinvigorated, and headache-free.
Imagine Float is one of several facilities in the area offering floatation services. Imagine also offers cryotherapy, a dose of extreme cold which can dramatically reduce inflammation; compression, which can speed healing and help with impaired circulation, and infrared sauna, which is a profound tool for detoxification from stress, environmental exposures, and other sources.